
On 4 November 2017 at 18:23, Augustine Leudar <>

> sort of agree - front back reversals are always going to be an issue even
> in real life - but you'll get something if the sound is louder in one ear
> than the other on a recording  - all I was saying is you definatley wont
> get height without pinna
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> <#m_-1858828579946809614_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> On 4 November 2017 at 18:16, Stefan Schreiber <>
> wrote:
>> Augustine Leudar wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Yes for horizontal localisation you may get away with ILDs and ITDs -
>> Is IMO not established psychoacoustical science... Front/back distinction
>> (extreme case) etc. etc.?
>> Stefan
>> but
>>> for height information the individual shape of the pinna is key and the
>>> system of migrating frequency peaks and notches caused by the direction
>>> dependant filterning caused by pinna shape . By filtering I mean the
>>> frequency peaks and notches which change in accordance with height, a
>>> filtering system that each individual brain has learnt, definitely work
>>> better with individuslised HRTFs.... Interpoliation between HRTF data
>>> sets
>>> is one option but there are others......
>>> On 4 November 2017 at 00:54, Ralph Glasgal <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> It doesn't take a millionaire any longer.  If you follow the rules of
>>>> binaural psychoacoustics you don't need to measure any HRTFs to have a
>>>> recording and loudspeaker reproduction system that delivers normal
>>>> binaural
>>>> hearing cues to any reasonable standard and does not make use of the
>>>> stereophonic effect, or Ambisonic equations, but is a sort of
>>>> home-friendly
>>>> Wavefield Synthesis.  Like WFS the listening area is much less
>>>> restricted
>>>> than that of a normal stereo system and since no HRTFs or head tracking
>>>> is
>>>> involved multiple listeners can be accommodated.
>>>> The first rule is that in any such chain, there must be one head shadow
>>>> but
>>>> only one and it need not be the end listener's.  By head shadow in this
>>>> rule
>>>> we are just considering ITD and ILD in the frequency range where these
>>>> affect localization.  Since we nod, rotate, and lean and sound goes
>>>> over,
>>>> under, around the front, around the rear, etc. the ITD and ILD are quite
>>>> smeared and so the brain is used to this and can adjust to an ITD, ILD
>>>> head
>>>> shadow not its own.  So it does not matter how the ITD and ILD are
>>>> recorded
>>>> or synthesized as long as they are normal values for a frontal or rear
>>>> stage
>>>> object and then are delivered unaltered to the ear canals.  So no
>>>> personalized HRTFs so far or head tracking.
>>>> The second rule operates in the higher frequency range where it is only
>>>> the
>>>> pinnae that determine localization.  The rule is that in any recording
>>>> and
>>>> reproduction chain there must be one and only one set of pinnae and that
>>>> set
>>>> must be that of the end listener.  Since few mic arrays have pinnae,
>>>> including the Soundfield, there is seldom a problem of having two sets
>>>> of
>>>> pinnae in a system.  (can use most dummy head mics without the outer
>>>> ears.)
>>>> So the only problem in having the remaining part of a soundfield
>>>> binaural,
>>>> is in making sure that all the sound sources come to the ear from a
>>>> direction that is pinnae proper.  So for example central solo frontal
>>>> sound
>>>> should come from the central front.  All reflections or direct sound
>>>> coming
>>>> from the rear should have directional components not only for the
>>>> pinnae,
>>>> but also be delivered with binaural ILD and ITD values that are not then
>>>> allowed to be altered by the listener's head dimensions.
>>>> It turns out that in the horizontal plain it is not too difficult to
>>>> provide
>>>> what the pinnae need in directionality without making any HF HRTF
>>>> measurements.  So I and my converts easily obtain solid full circle
>>>> localization of direct sound in the horizontal plane from ordinary 4.0
>>>> recordings like SACDs, DTS 5.1, SQ, UHJ, Dolby Atmos, Auro 3d, etc.
>>>> using
>>>> just four speakers and only a modest amount of numerical processing.
>>>> Direct
>>>> elevated sound sources can be accommodated using similar rules but that
>>>> needs more research and real music recordings to test with.  Hall
>>>> ambience
>>>> height is easily accommodated as is all concert hall reverb, also in a
>>>> binaural friendly way.
>>>> The rules are different for headphones or earphones, however.  Lots of
>>>> AES
>>>> and other papers on all this, including several on the Ambiophone 3D mic
>>>> array that anyone can copy and use to make better 4.0 recordings of live
>>>> sound.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Sursound [] On Behalf Of
>>>> Augustine
>>>> Leudar
>>>> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 3:17 PM
>>>> To: Surround Sound discussion group
>>>> Subject: Re: [Sursound] 3D Browser disco
>>>> great sound design but no cigar on the binaural front - thats really not
>>>> going to get solved until a quick and convenient way of measuring
>>>> HRTFs  is
>>>> designed - I have several in case any millionaires out there are
>>>> interested
>>>> ....
>>>> On 3 November 2017 at 18:36, Ralph Glasgal <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Have you tried  Using a Chrome browser,
>>>>> Christos Tsakostas, a Greek audio researcher produces an up to 180
>>>>> degrees wide stage in the horizontal plane starting with ordinary 5.1
>>>>> or 2.0 recordings and you can play your own UHJ's this way.  There is
>>>>> also no reason why this technique could not soon produce a full circle
>>>>> of direct sound using just four speakers from 4.0/5.1 media including
>>>>> Ambisonic media decoded to 4.0 which I have heard this way via DTS
>>>>> media.
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> --
> Dr. Augustine Leudar
> Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
> Company Number : NI635217
> Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
> Belfast BT88LL

Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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