I seem to recall that VLC will do this if set up correctly with a
multichannel sound card (I have RME UFX), but maybe that is not
simple enough for you. Alternatively, a simple HTML5 page such as
this can be used locally: http://www.fugato.com/pickett/surround-tests.shtml
Although I use only 4 channels these are 6-channel mp4 files: the
format was chosen simply because mp4 takes up less space than WAV
files. Possibly other browsers have been updated in the past two years.
Marc may have better recommendations. :)
At 03:53 25-10-17, len moskowitz wrote:
I'd appreciate it if someone could recommend a very simple Windows
audio player that can play a 6-channel WAV file to a 6-speaker ring.
A DAW will be too complicated for this user and application.
Len Moskowitz (mosko...@core-sound.com)
Core Sound LLC
Home of TetraMic and OctoMic
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