Citando Politis Archontis <>:
Hi Stefan,
On 12 Oct 2017, at 02:50, Stefan Schreiber
<<>> wrote:
Omnitone offers ambisonic decoding and binaural rendering of:
* First-order-ambisonic stream
* High-order-ambisonic stream: 2nd and 3rd order.
The input audio stream can be either an HTMLMediaElement (<video>
or <audio> tag) or a multichannel AudioBufferSourceNode.
I may be wrong, these things change quite quickly, but the
HTMLMediaElement, which could be used for live streaming does not
support more than 8ch at the moment, hence it would work with FOA
only, while the AudioBufferSourceNode can handle up to 32 (hence
4th-order) but works only with loading audiofiles.
You are probably quite right on all...
Best regards
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