It has been while since I have been able to follow this list or contribute to it and I am sorry about that. But the Ambio team has not been idle in the interim.
We would like to invite those coming to the NYC AES convention to sign up for the technical tour leaving Saturday morning Oct. 21st at 9:00 AM to New Jersey to hear the latest Ambiophonic surround apps, components, recordings etc. It is interesting that two of the six tours this year are devoted to loudspeaker binaural/surround technologies and it is also the topic of the Keynote address. Indeed, Ambiophonics and similar technologies are now superior alternatives to 2.0 stereo and 5.1 surround in most traditional home applications and the already available apps do the same for tablet/laptop/smart phone/etc. listening. The Ambiophonics team will be hosting demonstrations on three floors as described below, there will indeed be a free lunch, and if you wish, you may stay later than the official tour length. Recording engineers may want to see the Panambiophone surround mic array and hear some surround recordings made with it. It produces a full circle of direct sound in the horizontal plane, via standard 4.0 media (DTS 5.1) when played back over just four speakers for a group of listeners. You may want to read some of the tutorials or papers at before you come. Ralph Glasgal AES Technical Tour Destination, TT06 The Ambiophonics Institute Come to learn and experience 2D, 3D, and VR sound the latest Ambiophonic ways. (Ambiophonics, the public domain successor to stereophonics, 5.1, 7.1, 10.2 Dolby Atmos, Auro 3d, etc.) 180° frontal and full 360° sound stages will be auditioned using tracks from standard 2.0, 5.1 discs or on-line media. Note that the Ambio like stereo or binaural is a fundamental psychoacoustic concept and so all the software/component systems here are not proprietary and can be easily duplicated or used at relatively low cost by any AES member. Some 8 systems ranging from a tiny sound bar, to a tablet, to a laptop, to a conventional two speaker system, to a 4K 3D picture and sound home theater, to The Domestic Concert Hall (which duplicates the Sydney Opera House via 28 electrostatic and 2 CBT panels, curtesy of Angelo Farina) will showcase a variety of exceptional but still standard media recordings, that have largely hidden 3D characteristics when reproduced the old way. We will be demonstrating Envelophonics which produces a sense of envelopment for home systems just as in concert halls. You will also be able to hear what stereo source position distortion and inherent combing frequency response sounds like and learn how to eliminate it. The PanAmbiophone, will be here for you to see how to make one for yourself. Many free books and technical papers available. Five 78RPM acoustic Victrolas plus a selection of audio antiques will be on display curtesy of the Audio History Library. After the official tour has ended those who wish to remain for further listening or discussion are welcome to do so. Free transportation back to the GWB A train subway station will be available. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.