Dear list members..

I work for the music department at the University of Oxford.

We are hoping to develop a project focusing on Michael Gerzon’s time in Oxford 
as a student in the 60s and 70s, the OUTRS, early surround sound experiments in 
the city, the eventual development of Ambisonics, etc.  We hope to interview 
people who knew Michael at the time and through his lifetime; and as such are 
keen to get in contact with anybody who can help.

This will go towards a mini video documentary on Michael’s life and 
contribution to the world, produced with stereo and binarual audio.

Please do get in contact if you feel you can help.  Firstly, can anybody put us 
in touch with the convenor of the Gerzon estate?  (Michael’s brother?)

Many thanks for all help and advice is advance..

Best, Dan

Daniel Hulme | Electronic Music Studio Manager
Faculty of Music | University of Oxford | OX1 1DB

Tel: +44(0)1865 276140 | Web:<>

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