- Give an Engineering Brief @ AES 143!

- Presenting and publishing your work is easier than you might think

There’s an easy way to put your applied audio engineering project in
front of hundreds of colleagues from around the world during the 143rd
Convention. Engineering Briefs (eBriefs) enable you to offer a short
talk or poster presentation - casual, one-on-one or small group
presentation of your work on a wide range of topics such as studio
experience, equipment construction, new loudspeaker concepts, room
acoustic measurements, analysis of audio equipment, and project studio
startups, to name just a few.

The New York Convention committee is eager to hear about your
Engineering Brief ideas – act now to engage in an opportunity to:

- Reach an engaged and focused audience

– Share your work

– Educate and illuminate both peers and professionals

AES eBrief presentations are particularly suitable for practitioners
and those doing applied work in studios, who might want to talk about
a recent project or an area of operational practice. You don’t have to
be an academic researcher, and you won’t need lots of references or
scientific data. You’ll need to submit a proposal to
www.aes.org/143rd_authors, in the form of a very short synopsis by
August 9, and if it’s accepted you’ll need to submit a short article
of up to 4 pages by September 6. Relaxed reviewing of submissions will
consider mainly whether your eBrief is of interest to AES members and
is not overly commercial. eBriefs will be available to all AES members
for free download. If your proposal is accepted after review, you’ll
be offered either a presentation slot or a poster opportunity. Note
that presenters of eBriefs and Poster sessions must register for the
full Technical Program of the convention in order to present their

Submit Engineering Briefs proposals at www.aes.org/143rd_authors
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