thanks for the suggestions everyone indeed I like to record in reaper, but was having a hard time with jack
it doesn't look like I can get loopback to show up with reaper I was trying to record in max msp with sfrecord~, it seems to have issues with multichannel wav files, but aif are ok I had tried bidule, but it looked like it was going to record 16 mono files I knocked together a simple plug-in using the icst dsp library, which seems to work ok with multichannel wav cheers oli > On 21 Jun 2017, at 12:19, Eero Aro <> wrote: > > Acousmodules has 8, 16 and 24-track VST recorders, but unfortunately > they are not Mac VST type. At least I think they aren't. > > > > MultiRec 16 almost at the bottom of the page. > > Eero > _______________________________________________ > Sursound mailing list > > - unsubscribe here, edit > account or options, view archives and so on. _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.