Jesus dont throw them away - Ill jave 'em (Im a terrible hoarder) . However
- if all 4/2 (?) channels are on the same tape they should automatically
stay in phase with each other ?I guess if there was more than one tape then
there could be a drift there could be an issue - but if all tracks are on
the same tape travelling at the same speed - phase relationships should be
the same.

On 13 April 2017 at 11:09, <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have approx. 30 minutes of Matrix H recorded off-air in 1977.
> The bad news is that it's a 1-7/8 ips compact cassette.
> The good news is that the sound quality is very good, no noise reduction
> was used, no perceptible azimuth drifting, and only occasional dropouts.
> Programme material* is the Last Night of the Proms (excerpt) and some BBC
> drama.
> My question is whether it is worth digitising these recordings for
> posterity? I have memories that this system utilised phase-encoded elements
> so would the cassette tape's performance have degraded any surround info?
> I'm reluctant to throw away rare examples of our past technologies :-)
> Best regards
> Andrew Birt
> Guildford UK.
> * haven't even considered any copyright issues!
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Augustine Leudar
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