Dear all

You might have spotted it on Facebook, or in the Wire, but here it is in case 
you missed the announcement. Fabulous lineup, as usual, more gigs than ever, 
and some great activities!

The Huddersfield Immersive Sound System ( should tick all the boxes 
of the surround sound lover... and Ferreyra's UK premiere of the half-hour long 
GRM commission, in 16+2 channels, will too!



Electric Spring 2017
Feb 22nd to 26th
Creative Arts Building - University of Huddersfield
free admission
gigs at 7:30
more info:

Wednesday: Alex McLean (UK)
        opening act: Tadej Drolij (SI)

Thursday: Mirror Lands - A Mark Lyken | Emma Dove film (UK)
        in partnership with the international symposium "Sound and Music in 
Documentary Film" 
        opening act 1: Demelza Kooij (NL)
        opening act 2: Geoff Cox/Keith Marley (UK)

Friday: Beatriz Ferreyra (AR/FR)
        opening act: Frédéric Dufeu (FR)

Saturday: Dave Smith (UK)
        opening act: Solomiya Moroz (UA/CA) / Marko Ivic (VE/HR)

Sunday:  Richard Scott (UK)
        opening act: Elias Merino (ES)

Installations every evening: 
        Stewart Worthy (UK)

Other activities:
        Friday late night: a gig curated by baconjam (UK) with Embla Quickbeam 
(UK), Lee Patterson (UK), Phil Maguire (UK) and Marlo Eggplant (US)
        Saturday afternoon:  MSP Powerusers Symposium
        Saturday late night: a performance by Libat (CZ)
        Sunday afternoon: Modular Meets Electric Spring 2017
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