I am friends with the guys at Antfood <http://www.antfood.com/> who were in
charge of the audio recording and mixing for this project. From what they
explained last time I chatted with them about it, they used 3 pairs of
binaural ears (a Fritz head, and 2 pairs of the 3DIO ears) mounted together
with each ear 60° offset from the next. Then, in the VR app, the audio feed
is panning across these 3 stereo recordings based on the direction of the
head look.

They said they've been experimenting with many techniques and found this
method has reproduced the best sounding results for them.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Andres Cabrera <mantaray...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> A friend forwarded this:
> http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-la-philharmonic-is-trying-to-perfectly-recreate-concerts-in-virtual-reality?utm_source=mbfb
> I'm wondering if anyone has any details about the audio. Are they doing
> soundfield mic recording and then binaural rendering?
> Cheers,
> Andrés
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