On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 08:16:05PM +0100, Andy Furniss wrote:

> David Pickett wrote:
> >Is everybody on the list getting gibberish (éäJ, etc), as I am?
> It works for me. Maybe your mail prog didn't like it as it wasn't a
> "normal" mail = the raw source looks like -
> CgoKSGVuayB8IFNwb29rLmZtIDxoZW5rQC4uLj4gd3JpdGVzOgoKPiAKPiBEZWFyIFN1cnJvdW5k
> IFNvdW5kIERpc2N1c3Npb24gR3JvdXAsCj4gCj4gSSBoYXZlIGJlZW4gZm9sbG93aW5nIHRoZSBl

Which is just 'base64' encoding, something any mail program is
supposed to be able to handle -- it's quite an old standard.



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