On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 03:16:24PM -0500, Lee Byrd wrote:

> 1) Specify a changing polar response that varies by frequency, morphing
> smoothly between two specified first-order patterns set at two specific
> frequencies.
> 2) Specify a changing frequency response that varies between two user
> specified equalization curves: a direct on-axis curve and a 180-degree
> off-axis curve, so that the frequency response of the virtual microphone
> varies smoothly by the angle of incidence.

Neither would be really difficult to do, but I know of no tool that
does this OOTB.

For 1) provided your are using Linux, you could use Ambdec in its
dual frequency band mode, just create a config file that defines
the two patterns and the crossover frequency.

For 2) all depends on how you specify the two FR. If you have them
available as two equalisers, feed those with two back-to-back
virtual cardioids (which you could create again with ambdec, or
tetraproc) and sum the outputs.



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