Hello, [apologies for cross-posting] the book by me and Matti Karjalainen that I announced earlier, Communication Acoustics ‹ An Introduction to Speech, Audio and Psychoacoustics, is out: http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118866541,subjectCd-PH51 .html The corresponding Msc-level course in Aalto University was this autumn taught first time using this book. I am making the course slides (480 pdf-slides, 25 demo files) available here: http://users.aalto.fi/~vpulkki/Communication_Acoustics/ I will also make the LaTeX-Beamer sources available for educators on request. Both the book and the slides are of course subject to further developments, so if any comments, pls let me know. Best regards, Ville Pulkki Professor (Tenure track assistant level 2) Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland) _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list Sursound@music.vt.edu https://mail.music.vt.edu/mailman/listinfo/sursound - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.