Hi Jun,
On 10/31/2014 11:27 PM, ByungJun Kwon wrote:
Hello, this is jun from Seoul, Korea.
Now I'm engaged in designing the space as part of new children's museum
in GaungJu where they can experience surround listening.
It's the beginning stage and I'm researching possibilities considering
using ambisonics.
I'm glad to find this list and would like to ask some questions
regarding the experience room.
The sphere-like space is going to be sound-proofed and the main audience
will be the kids.
The sound source would be the soundscape of Asia and should be
experienced very realistically.
If I choose ambisonics,
- What is the optimal size of the space considering the number of
audience and surround image?
> For instance do you think it's possible to host 30 kids in the space
> while keeping the surround image?
> - How many speakers and placements , are there guidelines?
> - What do you recommend for decoding for more than 20 speakers?
> - Do you know any museum that I may visit for similar experience?
> It will be greatly appreciated if you give any feedback on my basic
> questions.
> Regards, Jun
I would go for a slightly rectangular room. Gives you more evenly
distributed room modes. Let's say you have six rows of five seats each.
You could then go for a third-order hemisphere:
a ring of eight at ear height
a ring of six at around 30-40 degrees elevation
a zenith speaker
I would use a Linux box for decoding - most versatile, stable and cost
effective. My decoder of choice is AmbDec, or you could try Matthias
Kronlachner's AmbiX tools under Mac OS X.
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT
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