Let me reintroduce you to a tool to analyze and show the compression grade and 
quality of a cd mastering:

You can find out if a (re)mastering of a recording have a higher or lower 
headroom or compression in hard figures and diagrams.

http://lts.a.se/lts/analyser-molt here you can find data on different 
masterings of Michal Jackson - thriller and  Jennifer Warnes  - Famous blue 

This will show the progression and consequenses of the loudness war on the same 

Best  Regards 
Bo-Erik Sandholm

-----Original Message-----
From: Sursound [mailto:sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu] On Behalf Of Ronald C.F. 
Sent: den 21 augusti 2014 14:42
To: s...@mchapman.com; Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] [OT] The more bits the better ?

I wish they would start worrying about the other compression aka loudness wars, 
before worrying about high-res audio. A well-mastered CD has all the resolution 
needed for playback, provided the playback system is good, and the original 
recording and processing was done in high-res and there were no mistakes made 
during mastering. MP3 is surprisingly good when then encoding software used is 
well written and VBR is used at the highest quality setting.
But the loudness wars will ruin any sound, and every bit over the lousiest MP3 
is a total waste until mixing/mastering changes.

Sent from a crippled mobile device

> On 21 Aug 2014, at 14:29, Michael Chapman <s...@mchapman.com> wrote:
> One of those : 'not so much what they are sayig, but who is saying it'
> things :
> <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/aug/21/mp3-cd-24-bit-audio-music-hi-res>
> which may, or may not, be of interest    .   .   .
> Michael
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