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The Sound & Space research team, part of the Audio & Acoustics group at the
LIMSI-CNRS, is currently offering a post-doctoral position related to its
current activities in the direction of binaural audio and spatial hearing.


The research activities of the Sound & Space team span the fields of Spatial
Hearing, Room Acoustics, and Virtual Reality and Audio Interfaces. Research
domains include perceptual studies, perception and psychoacoustics, as well
as technological development and prototype applications. Current works cover
binaural technology, Ambisonics, and Wave-Field Synthesis. These
technologies have been applied to various domains of research including
spatial cognition, eyes-free guidance, multimodal interfaces, architectural
auralizations, and room acoustics.


In response to several new projects concerned with binaural technology and
its evaluation, we are looking for young researchers with solid experience
in this field to compliment current researchers. 


Research Disciplines: binaural technology, psychoacoustics, virtual reality,
spatial hearing, and audio signal processing. 


Particular interest will be given to candidates who are interested in
pursuing a research career and would be interested to continue at LIMSI as a
tenured researcher, although this is not a requirement for all applicants.
While the LIMSI cannot guarantee a tenured researcher position, we are
strongly motivated to aid and support young candidates in their applications
for CNRS in the field of spatial audio. Specific details of the annual
national CNRS recruitment procedure can be found at


The post will be a 1-year position, with a possibility of renewal. Salaries
will be determined according to experience following CNRS pay scale rules.


The LIMSI ( <http://www.limsi.fr/> http://www.limsi.fr/) is a CNRS
laboratory (UPR 3251) associated with UPMC and Paris-Sud Universities,
accommodating approximately 120 permanent personnel (researchers, professors
and assistant professors, engineers, technicians) and about 60 PhD students.
It undertakes multidisciplinary research in Mechanical and Chemical
Engineering and in Sciences and Technologies for Information and
Communication. Research fields cover a wide disciplinary spectrum from
thermodynamics to cognition, encompassing fluid mechanics, energetics,
acoustics and voice synthesis, spoken language and text processing, vision,
virtual reality... Details of recent research activities can found in the
2012 LIMSI Activity report (


Candidates should provide a letter of motivation presenting their pervious
works, prospective research directions, possible starting date, and possible
integration into the LIMSI research community. Applications should also
include a CV, list of publications, 2 letters of reference, and contact
information for 3 references. Incomplete applications will not be treated.


Starting dates for the fall of 2014 or early 2015 are preferred. While
proficiency in French is not a requirement, for non-French speaking
candidates a willingness and enthusiasm to learn is of course a benefit.
Some course funding is available. There is no nationality requirement but
selected candidates will need to pass a security check for admittance to the
laboratory which can take up to 2 months processing time.


Complete applications, and any questions, should be addressed to Brian FG
Katz, head of the Sound & Space team (
<http://perso.limsi.fr/Individu/katz/> http://perso.limsi.fr/Individu/katz/)
at  <mailto:brian.k...@limsi.fr> brian.k...@limsi.fr.



Brian FG Katz, Ph.D, HDR

Audio & Acoustique


Rue John von Neumann
Campus Universitaire d'Orsay
Bât 508
91405 Orsay cedex 


Phone. +  33 (0)1 69 85 81 55 - Fax.  +  33 (0)1 69 85 80 88
 <http://www.limsi.fr/> http://www.limsi.fr    web_group:
<http://www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/aa/> http://www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/aa/
web_theme:  <http://www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/aa/thmsonesp/>

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