Sero wrote: ... > What is the best loudspeaker directivity (polar pattern) for an ambisonics > listening rig? > > I am very confused about this because I cannot find any reference on this > on any pubblication or discussion on the net.
The only work I know on this is a study by Dermot Furlong using a simulator. He discussed his work on the sursound list in 1996; I have it preserved at: Dermot considered only first-order Ambisonics. Here is an extract: "I am very well aware that ideal point source loudspeakers are usually specified for ambisonic reconstruction, but their directivities are not generally commented on, so perhaps this is of interest. And yes I know that most loudspeakers have frequency dependent directivities - I was trying to address the more basic question as to what was the effect of loudspeaker polar response on reconstruction. What I found was that for reasonably dead listening rooms, loudspeaker directivity was not a major issue - as long as omni radiation patterns were not used! However, for more live listening spaces the effect of loudspeaker directivity did play a significant role. Curiously perhaps, in cases of more 'dead' listening rooms, dipole loudspeaker directivities were found to lead to reconstruction of Listener Preference Indices which was as good as that of more directional loudspeaker polar patterns. Furthermore, as the room was made more lively, the reconstruction with dipole loudspeakers was consistently and significantly better than was the case with more directional loudspeakers! This was a surprise to me, and I did look at the implementation very closely to check everything was working properly... but this remains a consistent observation... for all reconstruction formats!" Regards, Martin -- Martin J Leese E-mail: martin.leese Web: _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.