That's an interesting board.

On one of the expansion port there's one SPDIF link. And it looks like
the other ports are interconnections to other boards for building a
larger parallel computer. So I guess that one board would be required
per 8 channels audio link, and that linking boards together would allow
synchronizing as many SPDIF links. But I don't know if the parallel
computing capability of interconnected boards would be useful, and how
to program them...


Tue, 13 May 2014 08:59:36 +0200,
JQ Adams <> a écrit :

> Hi all.
> Does anyone have any experience or plans to perform audio-related
> processing using one of these boards with the Adapteva 16-core
> coprocessor?
> It's cheap and low power (RaspberryPi-esque) but seemingly quite
> capable of significant workloads (especially the upcoming 64-core
> version).
> I figured it may be useful for many channel decoding of B-format to
> speaker feeds, or doing some heavy lifting in FIR calculations for
> room-equalization, etc.
> I have in mind echo cancelers and convolving out the room
> contribution for VC applications.  However I don't know enough about
> chip architecture to know whether this would be a good choice over
> more conventional (SHARC) DSPs.  I see that this is only 32-bit float
> capable in hardware, whereas math functions in the SHARC ar 40-bit
> precision.  For proper scientific computing, double floats (64-bit)
> are usually desired, but I'm uncertain whether this applies to the
> audio domain.
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> JQ
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