Our (Blue Ripple Sound's) "TOA Decoding" plugins include decoders for the 
Auro-3D layouts, so if you're prepared to work in Reaper or suchlike I'd 
suggest one of these two signal paths. There are other options, but these seem 
to give consistently good results:

1. B-Format -> TOA Harpex Upsampler -> TOA Decoder (Auro-3D 9/10/11.1)
2. B-Format -> TOA First Order Injector -> TOA Decoder (Auro-3D 9/10/11.1)
I find the Harpex path is normally best (this actively unpicks the first order 
B-Format and recodes it as third order). The first order injector (from the 
"TOA Upmixers" plugins) is passive and doesn't produce such sharp imaging; it 
gently cleans up some artefacts that occur sometimes with first order material. 
You can achieve the same result with the "TOA Manipulators" plugins. 

Of course, while you have the material as TOA, you can do lots of other 
interesting things to it! 

Note that the outputs of the TOA Decoders for Auro-3D have 10, 11 or 12 
channels (9.1, 10.1 or 11.1). Depending on where the audio is going next, you 
might need to process it with Auro-Codec or suchlike - these plugins won't do 
this for you.

Best wishes,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sursound [mailto:sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu] On Behalf Of Bo-
> Erik Sandholm
> Sent: 13 May 2014 07:40
> To: kanka...@alivecinema.org; Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] B-Format to Auro 3D
> If I remember correctly the Auro 3D is more or less 2 x 5.1 channels with the
> "upper" ring signal multiplexed in to the same channel as a
> Normal 5.1 signal.
> The 24 bit are used in a "Auro 3D magic" way to create a 5.1 signal that can 
> be
> listened to in a normal surround system.
> So extracting signals for loudspeakers in a Aura 3D setup is possible with a
> custom configured decoder for 2 rings ...
> But how to create the Aura 3D encoded signal is a problem.
> Just work with a B-format way of working in for example Reaper until
> extracting the loudspeaker signals in a decoder for rendering.
> Best Regards
> Bo-Erik
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sursound [mailto:sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu] On Behalf Of Kan
> Kaban
> Sent: den 13 maj 2014 08:03
> To: Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] B-Format to Auro 3D
> No idea?
> On 5/11/14, 8:16 PM, Kan Kaban wrote:
> > Greetings surround people.
> >
> > I´m looking for a workflow between Soundfield´s ST450 B-format
> > recordings & Auro 3D. Barco plugins render from mono / st / 5.1 / 7.1,
> > but I don´t want to loose height info from the Soundfield. I suppose
> > there are some users here that may help.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Roberto.
> >
> > PD: Sorry about last post with wrong subject.
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