On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 04:31:39PM -0300, Iain Mott wrote:

> I forgot about the 3dB adjustment - and I just read in Wikipedia that
> the W channel is adjusted by 3dB - so to correct my guess above, I
> should calibrate each speaker at 71.5 + 3 = 74.5dB

Sigh.... That eternal 3 dB confusion...

You could just as well say that X,Y,Z are boosted by 3 dB,
and W is 'nominal'. So no, it doesn't matter. This is a
*relative* gain difference between W and X,Y,Z. If you
take the level of W as the 'overall' signal level (makes
sense since it is the mono mix), then it is what it is.



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