Hello All,

Wanted to let everyone know about a new position at DXARTS / University of 
Washington (Seattle).

Detailed description here (and below): 

My best,

Joseph Anderson


Position Description: The Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media 
(DXARTS) has an outstanding opportunity for a postdoctoral Research Associate 
(0148) position.
The successful candidate will develop tools for a variety of research projects 
ongoing in our center. These projects encompass the areas of sound synthesis 
and computer music, experimental video and machine vision, mechatronics and 
digital fabrication, etc. The position requires the ability to work 
independently, planning and executing the development of new software, 
supporting advanced artistic research across many media.
Specific Responsibilities
Work will involve developing new tools and interfaces for media processing, 
including real-time systems for sound synthesis and processing, spatial audio, 
performance technologies, HCI, live video processing tools for immersive 
installations, sensing and control systems applied to robotics and mechatronic 
systems, as well as other software tools related to specific research projects 
ongoing in our center. Travel to national and international venues to support 
performances and showings of faculty work as well as presentations at 
conferences and festivals.
PhD in Computer Science or Digital Arts with focus on media programming for 
audio, video and physical computing.
At least 5 years of programming and software development experience in the 
following programming languages:  C / C++, Objective C, Python, Scheme, Ruby, 
SuperCollider; experience with standard media libraries such as Open 
Frameworks, OpenCV, GStreamer, JUCE, etc. The candidate should have experience 
developing software on the Mac OS X (and iOS) and Linux operating systems and 
IDEs such as XCode and CodeBlocks and the ability to manage large projects 
using GIT repositories. Experience with just in time (JIT) compilers such as 
LLVM would be considered a plus.
To apply, please send a cover letter, three letters of reference, a CV, 
questions about the position and disability accommodations to Billie Grace at 
bgr...@uw.edu. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.  This is 
a 100% FTE position. The initial appointment will be for 1 year (12mo. service 
period), with the option of renewal (up to 6 years).

The University of Washington is an 
affirmative action, equal opportunity 
employer. The University is building a culturally diverse faculty and staff and 
strongly encourages applications from women, minorities, individuals with 
disabilities and covered veterans.
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