Hi All,

Here in Birmingham we've been moving into our new facilities (part of the £16 
million Bramall Music Building). We're very excited about the new possibilities 
they offer (6 custom designed studios – 4 of them multichannel and 3 of those 
with height, a new concert hall designed with the ca. 100 loudspeaker BEAST 
system in mind, the new semi-permanent 30+ channel BEASTdome system, etc.).

We're now just about set up, and have been slowly updating our webpages. Tis 
the season (of OT recruitment emails), so I thought I'd point interested people 


We have Masters and PhD courses, including distance learning. Possible topics 
include composition (electronic and/or mixed), real-time electroacoustics, live 
coding, network music systems, laptop ensemble stuff, sound art, multichannel 
techniques, and history and aesthetics of electronic music.

UK/EU students interested in PG study will have access to £14.6 million of new 
funding as part of the Midlands 3 cities partnership:


These have a relatively short deadline of January 9th. We also have other 
sources of funding (including for international students):


On top of that we have various departmental scholarships and assistantships.

Best wishes and happy holidays,



Dr. Scott Wilson
Reader in Music (Composition and Live Electroacoustic Music)
Music Department
Bramall Music Building
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham  B15 2TT
United Kingdom

+44 (0)121 414 5767

Home: http://scottwilson.ca
Music Dept: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/music
BEAST: http://www. birmingham.ac.uk/beast
BEASTmulch: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/facilities/BEAST/research/mulch.aspx
COMPASS: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/compass

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