no idea Andy - Ill just have to give it a go and see what I find out ....
blue ray burners are cheap enough - £40 on ebay plus a friend has the
software - Ill let you know how I get on

On 18 December 2013 16:09, Andy Furniss <> wrote:

> Augustine Leudar wrote:
>> a blue ray disc player capable of playing 8 discrete channels.
>> Im assuming the LFE channel can be full range with 7.1 as it was with 5.1
>> basically this :
>> then it can just have the disc playing on a loop
> OK - it may be that DTS codes .1 full range with MA and maybe core - if
> you did ever consider buying the encoder that's something to check.
> The reason I am not sure is that I saw some code to reconstruct LFE from
> decimated samples, but it's quite possible that it was only for the low
> bitrate profile.
> blu-ray can also do 8ch PCM AFAIK - that would be cheaper :-)
> though I guess you would still need some way to make the disk - and check
> if normal players will even play a disk you burned ...
>> On 18 December 2013 15:12, Andy Furniss <> wrote:
>>  Augustine Leudar wrote:
>>>  Hi Eric,
>>>> this is what I have done in a couple of permanent installations. I use
>>>> a motu ultralite and a mini pc  (or mac). This is fine for an
>>>> installation that will never be touched. However even using linux or a
>>>> mac there are problems with this setup for permanent installations if
>>>> the staff want to turn the system on and off each day - even doing my
>>>> best to secure all usb and power cables even in a few short months I
>>>> have had to go up a couple of times just to reconnect cables that have
>>>> been jogged etc Plus power cuts can cause problems with software on
>>>> any system.   I want to simplify the system - one dedicated box with
>>>> an on/off switch and a play button that staff can easily operate and
>>>> has the minimum amount of variables that can go wrong.
>>>> I think this program might do it :
>>>> dts-hd-master-audio-suite/overview.aspx
>>>> anyone used it ?
>>> If you need 8 full range channels then it doesn't look like that will do
>>> it -
>>> "Up to 7.1 ch. Discrete for Primary Audio for Blu-ray Disc"
>>> What is this "one dedicated box" going to contain?

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