The "ambisonics" trademark was registered in the US by Nimbus Records, but was 
abandoned i 1992 and have thus been dead for the last 20 years.

The "ambisonic" trademark was registered and abandoned in 2009 by an individual.


> From: John Leonard []
> Sent: 2013-12-04 10:45:09 CET
> To: Surround Sound discussion group []
> Subject: [Sursound] DeWolfe Library Music - Ambisonics confusion
> Checking out the DeWolfe library music site this morning and saw a couple of 
> new releases called Ambisonics 1 & 2. Got quite excited until I checked and 
> found that these are just stereo tracks with a fancy name: basically just  a 
> conflation of Ambient Sonics. 
> I can't remember - does anyone actually own the Ambisonics name?
> John
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