On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 05:03:29PM -0700, Mark Anderson wrote:

> I have often wondered if there was a way to confirm matrix encoding by using
> a scope to display phase differences, but have found that not to be the case

It should be possible to do that, but the process will be a bit more 
Calculate a series of FFTs on overlapping windows, over the entire lenght of the
recording, and look for components that have equal magnitude in L and R. If they
were panned to center using a normal stereo pan pot they should be exactly in 
If the signal is UHJ encoded AMB there will be a phase difference of around 35
degrees. If you find that consistently on all center front panned components 
would be strong evidence of UHJ encoding. 

Looking at the complete signal it's probably impossible to decide if any phase
difference is significant or not, you need the 'logic decoding' first.


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