dear david
I forwarded your mail to embrace video people; I would like the page to sound 
meaningful. they showed me the copy, but I was always a lousy proof reader. as 
to the preamp, the plan is to provide a small box with a five pin tuchel on one 
side and five xlrs or mini xlrs on the other. it should be possible to power it 
either with an internal 9 volt battery or with phantom. there is also a plan 
for a variant for unbalanced outputs, the box providing very low impedance 
capable of driving long cables and better dynamic range than pip. I have 
breadboarded the circuits and at the moment doing the pcb layouts.

> Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 18:51:46 +0200
> To:
> From:
> Subject: Re: [micbuilders] brahma on kickstarter
> Dear Umshankar,
> This is David Pickett from the sursound and micbuilding groups.
> I am very interested in the Brahma standalone mic.
> I couldnt make the "ask a question" switch at the bottom of the page work.
> What I am looking for is information about the 
> interface for the standalone mic: cables, max 
> length of same, balanced/unbalanced?, 4 x 48v 
> phantom power?, etc.  Or put another way, how do 
> I get from the mic to my RME UFX mic inputs in a 
> concert hall where the leads are likely to be longer than 10 metres.
> Perhaps these details could be added somewhere.
> Many thanks!
> ==================================
> A couple of grammatical changes that will give 
> your already extremely stylish webpage referred 
> to above more credibility (I have used *** to identify the spots):
> _____________________________
> The Brahma microphone is a high quality 
> ***electret-based***, ***phase-accurate 
> Ambisonics*** microphone that captures the true 
> 3-dimensional representation of an acoustical ambiance.
> First paragraph: ***widespread*** is usually 
> written without an hyphen these days.
> In the image: Each microphone has unique 
> calibration files to ***resolve*** capsule error
> Four cardioid capsules are mounted on a 3d 
> printed tetrahedron. The entire structure is 
> shielded in a ***satin-finished*** stainless steel mesh and two-piece ring.
> Though the Brahma system is designed for use with 
> the modified Zoom H2 and H2n recorders, they can 
> also be used with our adaptor on any 
> ***phantom-equipped*** four channel recorder.
> After ***manufacture***, each microphone is carefully calibrated.
> No additional components or software ***are*** 
> needed if the Brahma built into the Zoom H2n or 
> ***a*** standalone Brahma with the modified Zoom H2n versions are opted for
> Combination patterns such as ***Blumlein***, 
> height-enabled ***Blumlein***, Mid/Side, XY (two 
> crossed cardioids) separated by any arbitrary 
> angle, three hypercardioids facing forward and 
> two cardioids facing rearward (for 5.1 surround) can also be created.
> The B-format files can be processed in the 
> following playback formats – mono, stereo, 
> ***binaural***, 4 and 6 sided array, 5.1 
> surround, 7.1 surround with height, 8 channel surround with height.
> Manufacturing: Embrace Cinema Gear has been 
> manufacturing various cinema and audio products 
> for the past 4 years and as such do not expect 
> any unexpected manufacturing related problems. 
> The factory has been fully functional for over 3 
> years ***with*** 16 full time staff members and 3 consultants.
> =======================================
> All best wishes,
> David
> =========================
> Dr David A Pickett
> Vienna, Austria
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