On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Matthew Palmer <palme...@mymail.vcu.edu>wrote:

> I'm wondering if it (4 sets of Logitechs) can give me 3d gratification for
> a little over $200. I know I'm definitely sacrificing quality but it will
> take me ages to save up for a proper set-up. I don't understand what kind
> of amplifier would be needed though.

Logitech and other types of computer-type loudspeaker systems are almost
exclusively self powered so no external amplifiers are required.  They do
expect, however, to be driven by the equivalent of a headphone amplifier
using a 3.5mm jack connection.  A good low impedance line level output is
usually acceptable but does not always provide a high enough voltage level.
 The input impedance of the integrated amplifier can be fairly low and is
never specified so you need to do some testing before purchasing.

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