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>Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Volume question WRT 7.1 sound recorded at listening
>      position. (dw)
>Message: 1
>Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:53:35 +0100
>From: dw <>
>To: Surround Sound discussion group <>
>Subject: Re: [Sursound] Volume question WRT 7.1 sound recorded at
>       listening position.
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>On 22/09/2013 12:51, Andy Furniss wrote:
>> Hi
>> I do not have a 7.1 sound system so can't actually test this, also as 
>> may become apparent I don't know much about sound :-)
>> I would be grateful if someone could correct/confirm the following.
>> If I were to mix down a digital 7ch to mono I have to reduce by 1/7 
>> amplitude to prevent clipping, so one channel will be -16.9dBfs.
>This assumes that all 7 channels are driven with the same maximum level, 
>in phase, and that this would get past the mastering stage,,
>I'm sure they bear in mind the possibility of stereo, or mono mixdown.
>> If I play the track over one speaker the volume difference between one 
>> and all channels will be 16.9dB.
>> If I were to measure the volume at listening position (assuming 
>> anechoic and equal speaker distance) with a real 7 speaker setup then 
>> the volume difference, because the speakers are not close, would add 
>> up using power not amplitude so the difference heard/measured between 
>> 1 and 7 at full power would only be 8.45dB, so there is quite a large 
>> dynamic range discrepency?
>You would add powers if the 7 channels had random relative phase (which 
>is less likely with "anechoic and equal speaker distance"
>> The real reason for this question is more to do with simulation than 
>> real life, so perhaps that will make a difference - if the speakers 
>> are infinitely far producing planewaves and a soundfield is at 
>> listening position would that change anything for what levels the 
>> virtual omni would "hear".
>> TIA
>> Andy.
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>End of Sursound Digest, Vol 62, Issue 15
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