
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:50:00 +0200
From: David Worrall <worr...@avatar.com.au>
To: Surround Sound discussion group <sursound@music.vt.edu>

Hi All,
I'm away from my back-up of this list (*) so please forgive if this has been answered before, but

Is there - on the market, or in other form - a setup system/tool that auto configures a decoder and calibrates an ambisonic playback rig according to the (actual) position of the loudspeakers?


Presumably it doesn't have to auto-locate the speakers ?? That would be clever and probably expensive.

I have something that was built in MAX/MSP, and can turn it into an application (Mac OS preferred but Windows is probably possible). It is first order only, up to 16 speakers, and based on all the info about good decoders I've found, and can understand and implement. Of course it could be extended to higher orders, once the maths is thought through and the issue of different kinds of W.

Haven't done this as most of the people I'm dealing with don't have enough speakers to make it worthwhile or essential. It's basically part of something else which is trying to do all sorts of ambisonic things with 16 inputs from a DAW running on the same computer. So, until higher powered computers become affordable in an income challenged age, processing power has to be carefully used. Increasing the ambisonic order starts to push up the number of audio streams that need handling in a non-linear manner. Such a decoder needs listening to, which means that you have to able to generate something to listen to to assess how well the encode/decode works, something I haven't had time to do above 2nd order.

If only there was more time, things got done quicker, or someone was paying for the work by the hour.


Dave Hunt
Sursound mailing list

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