I had a really nice diagram that showed the hearing accuracy (MAAs etc) of
different positions in the azimuth and elevation but I cant find it . If I
remember rightly its generally true that horizontal localisation is better
than vetrtical with a couple of exceptions - If I remember rightly
horizontal localisation right behind the head is pretty bad though
(plus/minus ten degrees ?) which is worse than  some vertical positions,
then you've got front back reversals, theres also the cone of confusion but
I cant remember the localisation statistics for that in terms of horizontal
vs vertical - if anyone finds such a diagram please post it !

Fully granted. My wording was nowhere near a proper psychoacoustically
well-founded, precise description of what I alluded to. But at the same
time, even differentially speaking, elevation and its ilk are a royal pain.
No? Away from the horizontal plane, things get complicated, yes, but the
overarching, mean, so-so picture is that we perceive elevation less
accurately. No?


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