Here's my binaural haircut from 1999/2000:


Em Sex, 2013-02-01 às 11:34 +0000, Peter Lennox escreveu:
> 1983 was the first binaural haircut I heard. It was billed as "Holophonics", 
> I think, but really it was binaural - I think (glad to be corrected if anyone 
> knows)
> Dr. Peter Lennox
> School of Technology,
> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
> University of Derby, UK
> e: 
> t: 01332 593155
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of etienne deleflie
> Sent: 01 February 2013 00:40
> To: Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] how not to advertise binaural
> What's interesting is that the demo is actually totally cheating. It relies 
> on cognitive cues, perhaps even more than on presenting realistic stimuli.
> It does this in two ways:
> Firstly, it extensively uses symbolism, through language, to create 
> expectations of spatial experience... "now over here on the left ... now on 
> the right", and "these scissors are very close to your head ...". etc.
> Secondly, it relies on experience-based referential cues. The successful 
> perception of distance, in the sound of the scissors, can be at least partly 
> (if not mostly) attributable to the fact that we can only hear scissors if 
> they are close to our ears. When you hear scissors, you always get an 
> impression of proximity.
> Begault (2000) makes this point in his text "3D sound for virtual reality and 
> multimedia" ... and funnily  enough, he speaks specifically of 3D demos where 
> there is "the sound of scissors cutting hair, as if very near your ear." !!! 
> (Page 29) ... so, as far as binaural demos goes, I'm going to call the sound 
> of scissors "the oldest trick in the book" (its been around at least 12 
> years!)
> The other examples he gives are the sound of lighting a cigarette and 
> drinking a glass of water. It is also for this reason that any demonstration 
> that includes whispering, to demonstrate ability to create cues of proximity, 
> should also be treated as somewhat bogus.
> Alternatively, for the spatial music composer, if the composer would like to 
> create a sense of proximity in space they dont need to encode sounds using 
> any particular spatialisation technology, they just need to use the sounds 
> that we only hear in proximity ... such as whispering, scissors, matches and 
> drinking a glass of water!
> Actually, to my mind, this very point is one of the big issues with the 
> strategy of 'mimicking reality' to create realistic perceptions of space.
> The cognitive dimension is largely ignored. And so really ... the 'oldest 
> trick in the book' is perhaps more of a rather sensible strategy. Although 
> once you try to encode a sound that is not typically heard near the ears, 
> then you are stuffed.
> Etienne
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 4:20 AM, Dave Malham <> wrote:
> > For a truly cring-making demo of binaural, check out the "Virtual 
> > Barber Shop" video at
> >
> >
> > fand_sound_feb2013-html.aspx
> > .
> > Can't say it works much better (if at all) than any other I've heard 
> > in 4 decades in the business. It would also be interesting to know 
> > what people think of the demo further down the page of the crosstalk 
> > cancelled stuff that's supposed to work on laptops - it's barely 
> > perceivable as stereo on my MacBook Pro.
> >
> >      Dave
> >
> > --
> > As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this 
> > disclaimer is redundant....
> >
> >
> > These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
> >
> > Dave Malham
> > Ex-Music Research Centre
> > Department of Music
> > The University of York
> > Heslington
> > York YO10 5DD
> > UK
> >
> > 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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> >
> --
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