Hi all,
I am looking for economical ways of building a 256 channel out system which
will be connected to 256 speakers for a wavefield synthesis system. I do
not need a desk - or even inputs.
You can get an RME HDSPe MADI FX for around £1000 which will do 192 channel
Question 1
anyone know how to do a 256 channel system ? - can you expand the rme with
an extra 64 channels somehow ? They would all need to be controlled by the
same clock so they were perfectly synchronised - perfect timing is even
more important than usual in WFS systems.
Question 2 -
Does windows still only support 254 channels ?
Question 3 :
Can anyone think of a cheaper way of doing this:

RME ADI 648 MADI Breakout MADI to ADAT (64 channels each) 4 * £ 1,749.00
32* behringer ADA8000 ADAT converters : £4800

Total £12,966 (ish)

I was thinking if I could cut down on the madi to adat boxes or DA
converters - is there something which uses D-SUB 25 out for example ? Some
sort of Madi-analogue converter with lots of outs maybe ?


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