Hello Fons,
Thanks for reading my post and for commenting on it.
Years back, I picked up a book titled Acoustical Factors Affecting Hearing Aid 
Performance (Studebaker & Hockberg, Editors). Within the book was a chapter 
titled Transducers and Couplers (or something like this) authored by Mead 
Killion. Though I don't have this in front of me now, the chapter suggested 
that designers of miniature hearing aid mics have mostly overcome the inherent 
problems of mic self-noise, uniform response, etc.
But I view certain claims with a dubious eye. The size of a tiny electret mic 
does impose physical restrictions and a good reason to raise an eyebrow. I'd 
guess that the "directional" characteristics, as purported by the 
manufacturers, do not include head shadow or the effects of head baffling (more 
z-effects than shadow-related attenuation), though both effects must be 
considered when determining the device's net response. As you know, most 
electret mics are intrinsically omnidirection, though Panasonic provides cadiod 
patterns in their line of electret mics. For the most part, mic -- or a hearing 
aid's -- directionality is obtained by using forward and rearward facing mics 
combined with basic signal cancellation. I can't imagine that there could be 
venting behind the diaphragm of a tiny mic that would then change its response 
(particularly at low- to mid-frequencies). Separate mic elements provide 
opportunities for directional manipulation, but I
 suspect the directional characteristics are highly frequency dependent -- just 
as the superposition of waves can be.
I do know from experience that minute changes to the protective plastic 
components surrounding a mic makes noticeable changes for HA and CI users. For 
example, one manufacturer added what was intended to be a windscreen (really a 
hard plastic "windshield" -- not foam to break up turbulence). The size of the 
shield was miniscule compared to the wavelengths of speech-frequency sounds, 
but its size was comparable (or larger than) the mic diaphragm diameter. Users 
of the device complained of the change / addition, and measurable differences 
in speech discrimination scores supported their perception (even indoors and 
away from wind noise). The shield more-or-less formed a cavity with openings on 
the sides. One side was proximal to and parallel with the wearer's head. The 
end message I took from all of this was that small changes can make big 
differences, even to those with poor hearing.
I'm not a mic designer (obviously), but I am interested in the combined effects 
of processing, bandwidth, and polar patterns in real-world listening. Even 
today, I recorded the ambient sounds of another popular cafe using my TetraMic.
Once I have converted my raw wav files (A-format) to B-format (again, I use a 
TetraMic, hence no direct recording in B-format), I can do a number of 
manipulations. All of this is very cool. If all the channels were originally 
received via a left-pointing cardiod mic (as an example), then all the channels 
would be identical -- minus the phase anomalies that result from the four mic 
elements being located in slightly different places. From what I see in the 
equations, four identical A-formatted channels converted to B-format would 
simply yield a W channel with all information, and the X, Y, and Z outputs 
would be null or zero. Applying a HRIR to this would give a L and R output with 
both ears being the same in phase, response, etc. (albeit shaped by the head). 
Any attempt to rotate the "head" would just be aligning the head with the mic, 
not rotating the head and mic in space. I'm not a mathematician, so I could be 
way off here.

I can certainly create a HRIR using monaural material and then apply the IR of 
a cardiod mic to simulate the polar response, but this would simply give the 
equivalent of the mic (with head) pointed to a single, fixed source. If I 
wanted to study the effects of a stationary talker in a reverberant room, this 
would actually be useful. But trying to simulate the effects of ongoing, moving 
or multi-timbral sounds in 3-D space is not easy to solve.
Again, I truly appreciate your expertise and insights. I'll also try to dig up 
data on actual HA mics.
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