Hello All,
Just saw the sursound post regarding Orfield Labs' anechoic room and the "30 
dB" conversation level.
I met Steve Orfield at his Tucson (AZ) home not too long ago--actually brought 
up the topic of Ambisonics with him, too. I'll ask Steve where the 30 dB came 
from--and what units of dB. Maybe dBD at 2 m--or converted from units of noids 
(measure of annoyance, oui?).
Anyway, there was a good article on Orfield Labs in a Twin Cities (Minnesota) 
news journal some time back. There used to be a recording facility where 
Orfield Labs is located, and it was home to a few major pop/rock hits (I 
believe Funky Town by Lipps being one of 'em).
Best to everyone,
Eric C.
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