As this was in a session on next gen MPEG format, and header specification in 
MPEG among other things...
If I remembers correctly there was a possibility to specify that the audio 
format was 
- 5.1 
- 7.1
- 22.1

No possibility to carry pure ambisonics using our defined Orders, as far as I 
could understand?

Maybe a few more defined to code which decoder to use to parse the sound 
streams, is it possible to squeeze in pure ambisonics within WFS decoding?

Here seems to be a lot of info from the ongoing standardization process, among 
other things a 3 D sound issue description.

It seemed a few of the participants where aware of Ambisonics but most  of them 
seamed very content to have channel/speaker view of the world.

There was on guy talking about a implementation for WFS in a cinema in 

- Bo-Erik ( fixed my spelling errors in the subject :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Dave Malham
Sent: den 11 oktober 2012 09:09
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] Somting for the Weekend - Commerisal 3D sound

Hmm, just got round to looking at the Wittek/Thiele paper.
"Interesting" is right. I have the greatest of respect for both Helmut and 
Gunther, but paper isn't really up to their normal, very high, standards. Just 
two mentions of (higher order) Ambisonics and no inclusion of it in the 
comparison table ( Table 1). No clear indication of where the data for this 
"Comparison of stereo/surround-format profiles" came from (proper studies, a 
guess, references [1] and [9] ??) and, interestingly, Ambisonics (either POA or 
HOA) isn't included where it would have shown up very well, especially on the 
reproduction of elevation.

Some other interesting statements, for instance page 7, "Thus, 
stationary-source elevation cannot practically be accomplished" - which, as we 
know, is not so, _if_ you use soundfield reconstruction techniques such as 
Ambisonics (or 3-D WFS, or Holophonics, or...) and page 14 "One signal on more 
than two loudspeakers leads to coloration and thus should be avoided" - just on 
_more than_ two speakers? That should surely be "more than one".

   Ah well, at least it would get a sufficient number of speakers into people's 
homes to do Ambisonics with height with a re-jigging of their positions ;-)


On 5 October 2012 18:33, Kees de Visser <> wrote:
> On 5 Oct 2012, at 15:40, Bo-Erik Sandholm wrote:
>> As I visited the MPEG Symposium in Stockholm this summer and listened 
>> to the 3D sound session I want to give a  pointer to 
> There's also some interesting info about Auro3D on Helmut ("Schoeps") 
> Wittek's website "hauptmikrofon":
> id=66&Itemid=77
> Best regards,
> Kees de Visser
> Galaxy Classics
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As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this disclaimer 
is redundant....

These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer

Dave Malham
Ex-Music Research Centre
Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

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