I have also not had a lot of luck getting the HDMI outputs working on an Asus E35 M1-MPro board
running (currently) Ubuntu. Almost certainly down to my lack of experience with Linux, but...
On 29/05/2012 13:42, Bo-Erik Sandholm wrote:
I was appearently a little "hot on the trail" HDMI sound drivers are not yet
verified / ported to the puppy linux distributin that is available for the A8 based Mele
1000 settop box.
So next idea for someone else than me, porting of ambdec with a multichannel
player to Android 2.3 instead?
Or maybe just skip the decoding on the device and play multi channel predecoded
FLAC or OGG loudspeaker feeds, but that is not much fun :-)
And have to be verified to work.
There are a lot of low cost android players with hdmi multichannel sound
running Android on http://s.dealextreme.com/search/android+media+player
Have a nice summer
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