SoundMan-Server can aggregate multiple sound cards in the same computer so
that you can use many different (or the same) types of audio interfaces.
 For example you can put up to 6 MOTU PCI-e interfaces and/or and up to 9
RME MADI cards into a single computer for up to 576 outputs (and inputs).
 We have done both of these and more can probably be done but we haven't
tested it beyond this.

We have a rack mount computer that can accommodate this number of cards and
it is being used in the Brazilian National Opera and megachurches in the

* Charlie Richmond - Richmond Sound Design - Skype: charlierichmond
<> "Performance
for the Long Run"
* SoundMan-Server & AudioBox II - Virtual Sound System Core Audio Engine
* LinkedIn & Twitter:
charlierichmond<> *
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* RSD on Google+:
* Primary and much preferred method of communication is via skype

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 03:53, Dave Malham <> wrote:

> Definitely agree, we use multiple Motu's a lot. and they do the job just
> fine - tho the RME stuff is great as well.
> Just a note on synchronisation - we all use sigma-delta converters these
> days and they, especially with the older designs, can have significant
> latencies. Moreover, in terms of your overall system, these can effectively
> be variable. This is because there is usually a dependency on when the chip
> comes out of reset on power-up. Within a single multichannel box there's no
> real problem as all the converters, even if they're on separate chips, see
> the same reset time (unless someone's really screwed up the design) but
> with multiple boxes this is much more difficult to ensure unless it is
> embedded in the communications protocol somehow.
>    Dave (slightly hung-over after the post-conference drinks...)
> On 26/03/2012 00:12, Miguel Negrao wrote:
>> A 24/03/2012, às 05:58, Eric Benjamin escreveu:
>>  currently thinking of using PCI or PCI express cards
>>> Any time that there are multiple devices the chances of having them be
>>> offset in
>>> time increases dramatically.  I've really had a lot of bad experiences,
>>> both
>>> with multiple PCI audio devices and with multiple external ADAT devices.
>>>  I'm
>>> thinking of one system I saw a few years ago that had three ADAT cards
>>> in the
>>> computer to get 24 channels of output.  In that system I occasionally saw
>>> offsets of greater than a millisecond!  But more recently I've seen a
>>> system
>>> with four MOTU 24I/O devices for 96 channels of output, and that system
>>> had
>>> perfect synchronization between devices.
>> If it’s the system that I’m thinking about, not  only that, but also
>> synchronization with another computer with another 4 MOTU sound cards,
>> making a total of 192 channels. :-)
>> best,
>> Miguel Negrão
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> /* The University of York  Phone 01904 322448                        */
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> /* York YO10 5DD                                                     */
> /* UK                   'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'   */
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