...or you could wait for people to start making Thunderbird-enabled audio 
interfaces?  They'd be plenty fast, though you'd be back to buying apple...

On Mar 27, 2012, at 8:09 PM, David Pickett wrote:

> At 17:32 27/03/2012, Augustine Leudar wrote:
> >actually I was considering the RME HDSPe RayDAT  which is actually the
> >same  price as the lightpipe but I would have to use a desktop and I want
> >to use a fast laptop with a ssd drive  (thus the need for firewire)
> Firewire is on the way out.  Few laptops come with these ports now.  On the 
> other hand, RME do two USB A/D/A convertors, which I have used and can 
> thoroughly recommend.  The UFX will do both Firewire and USB and will record 
> multitrack direct to a USB drive -- even a flash drive.  The input levels are 
> all controlled digitally.  Then there's the inestimable advantage of Totalmix 
> software, which runs on your laptop and allows control of input levels, 
> compressor/limiter and good EQ.  Plus Digicheck software metering.  All the 
> software just mentioned runs on RME's internal DSP, with no load on your 
> laptop apart from displaying the results.  The bottom line is that you dont 
> need a recent laptop to accompany it.  RME has an excellent user forum which 
> is frequently visited by their designers.
> I am not in anyway associated with RME -- just an extremely satisfied 
> customer!
> David
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