Perhaps a useful first step would be to take some B-format recordings from
Ambisonia and encode them into the various systems, so we could listen to
the differences in some controlled manner.   That would also comprise a
reference data set to test automated algorithms.

Sorry if this has been answered before, but is there a concise summary of
the encoding and decoding equations for the formats?  With that in hand, it
should be quick MATLAB/Octave exercise to encode some B-format recordings.

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Eero Aro <> wrote:

> Richard Lee:
>  I'm actually listening to the "stereo" presentation of the reverb
>> rather than individual sources.
> My respect!
> But I know what you are talking about. However, your skills need a lot of
> listening experience.
>  You'll probably find a stereo fig-8 @ 90 decode from the B-format
>> gives sharper images than "UHJ encoding listened in stereo" of the
>> same B-format.
> Naturally.
> Eero
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