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Call for papers

The SBCM - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music is a biannual event with international recognition in the field of computer music organized by NUCOM, the computer music interest group of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). This 13th edition will be held from August 31th to September 3rd, 2011, in Vitoria, capital of the state of Espirito Santo, at the beautiful southeast Brazilian coast.

Researchers, scientists, composers, educators, manufacturers, and all concerned with the interplay between music and technology are invited to submit works. During the symposium there will be speeches by renowned researchers, technical and music paper sessions, discussion panels, group activities, and concerts. The program will include, among others, a keynote speech and concert by Prof. Dr. Barry Truax - Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Important dates

    * June 14 (EXTENDED DEADLINE) - Full papers and posters submissions
    * June 30 - Full papers and posters notification of acceptance
    * July 07 - Camera-ready version of papers and posters

Technical Topics of Interest

    * Acoustics, Diffusion, Sonorization
    * Artificial Intelligence
    * Artificial Life and Evolutionary Music Systems
    * Audio Hardware design
    * Computer-Aided Music Analysis
    * Computer-Aided Musical Education
    * Computer-Aided Musicology
    * Digital Sound Processing
    * Digital Music Systems and Services
    * Distributed Music
    * Internet and Web Applications
    * Movement and Gesture
    * Multimedia Systems and Applications
    * Music Emotion and Communication
    * Music Formats, Data Structures and Representation
    * Music Information Retrieval
    * Music Management
    * Music Notation, Printing, and Optical Recognition
    * Music Perception and Cognition
    * Psychoacoustics and Cognitive Modeling
    * Quality of Service for Audio
    * Real-time Interactive Systems
    * Software Systems and Languages for Composition
    * Sound Analysis and Synthesis

Papers Submission Instructions

Papers must be submitted in PDF format via the JEMS online submission system. Submissions in Spanish, Portuguese and English are welcome.

Technical papers, up to 12 pages long, are supposed to present original research with scientific contributions, and can be uploaded at https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=1399.

Music papers, up to 12 pages long, should describe the experience of composers and users of computational tools to produce music, and can be uploaded at https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=1398.

Extended abstracts of posters, up to 4 pages long, should present on-going research.

Please carefully comply with instructions in publications templates. Papers which do not fulfill the requirements can not be published. Download the files for manuscript preparation in accordance with the SBC guidelines (http://gsd.ime.usp.br/sbcm/2007/templates).

In order to get the paper published, it is required that at least one author register for the symposium by July 15th, 2011.

More Information

For further information and advanced technical program, please visit the symposium home page at http://compmus.ime.usp.br/sbcm/2011/. For questions regarding submissions, local organization and general inquiries, send e-mail to the Organization Committee at sbcm at faesa.br.

Regis Rossi Alves Faria

University of Sao Paulo
Music Dept - FFCLRP-USP
14040-900 Ribeirão Preto - Brazil

LSI - Laboratory of Integrable Systems
Audio Engineering and Coding Center
05508-010 São Paulo - Brazil
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