The Creative Technologies Research are holding a Sounds in Space symposium on 17th June 2011. We've got a TiMax system to demo ( and a talk by Tony Churnside from the BBC among the current highlights! However, we have space in the program for works, posters and talks by others. If you're interested (in attending, or contributing!), please see further details of the event at: (very abridged details below!) Sound In Space: Exploring visual and sound arts practice, the symposium will present a number of original spatial sound works including a multichannel "collaborative sound canvas" comprising sound events developed, captured, processed, composed, and assembled by students and staff of the Faculty of Arts, Design & Technology. Introducing leading edge research in surround sound technology, education and application, the aesthetics and implications of a shifting paradigm in sound creativity through technology will be explored in an intensive, immersive and playful way. Call for CTRG ‘Sounds In Space’ symposium submissions: Submissions are welcomed for contributions to the Sound in Space Symposium from academic researchers, creative practitioners, and students registered to a UK university programme of study in sound, music or visual media arts or technology. Submissions are welcomed in the following areas: - Creativity with technology in education and sound and music - Multichannel sound and music development and realisation - Ambisonic and multichannel sound diffusion systems technology - Hardware and software systems for sound and music spatialisation - Aesthetics and perception of 3-D sound and music - Theatricality of sound and sound in theatre - Acousmatic music and multimedia installation work - Music and space in performance or production - Sound, music, hybridity and interdisciplinarity - Spatialisation, visualisation and communication - Analysis and/or demonstration of original work - Critical evaluation of established work cheers Dr Bruce Wiggins Signal Processing Applications Research Group Lecturer in Electronics and Sound _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list