On 01/15/2011 06:24 PM, Aart Nienhuis wrote:

oh come on. decent webspace is cheap, there is no reason to annoy users
with that kind of crap. plus i was using a friend's windows machine,
which makes me kinda wary of malware.

You seem to be annoyed pretty easy if one popup makes you go into

two popups, each time one visits your page, one with unrelated advertising crap, and the other telling me repeatedly i'm the 100000th user of your site and can claim a prize. sorry, but that's a) fraudulent and b) an insult to my intelligence.

i have since browsed it from my own machine, only to find that you have
chosen to trap right clicks throughout the page, taking my context menu
away. very annoying. particularly so since you decided to do without
navigation elements.

Yep, I did that because I found some of the stuff we developed appearing
on another website as a direct copy including pictures...... but not
mentioning where it came from and who made it........ I know this
protection isn't very safe, but for noobs it is.

congratulations, you have just protected your site from utter morons wishing to rip you off, making it unusable for everyone else who might take a legitimate interest in your site.

No navigation elements ? You're kidding, right ? So you're still stuck
at the indexpage ? ROTFL !

of course not. but you force me to follow your idea of reading flow and navigation, throwing me back to your index page all the time (for which i have to scroll down to find your backlink, because you screwed with my context menu), which is, um, a little eighties :) pretty much akin to saying "this website has been optimized for netscape navigator gold 3.0". we don't do that anymore :)

Meister f?r Veranstaltungstechnik (B?hne/Studio), Elektrofachkraft
I can nag too if you want...... what is Meister f?r ? And B?hne ?
This is an English mailinglist, never thought of characters with an
Umlaut might become unreadable on such a list ? Must I say now , like
you did, that that is the reason for me not to look at anything else
from you ?????
And for sure doesn't look very professional to me either........

it's called a diacritical mark, or, as you observed correctly, an umlaut. it happens to be part of my language, and since it is not part of the 7bit character set, i send my mails as utf-8. in replying, my mailer falls back to my correspondent's choice of character encoding, which, in the case of this thread, happens to be ISO-8859-1. your mailer (or the digest mechanism of this list) wrongly assumes us-ascii, and consequently displays "?" as placeholders. clearly somebody else's problem, but thanks for the heads-up.

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister f[insert u-umlaut here]r Veranstaltungstechnik (B[insert u-umlaut here]hne/Studio), Elektrofachkraft
Audio and event engineer - Ambisonic surround recordings


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