On 18 Dec 2010, at 05:34, Richard Furse wrote:
> I keep meaning to find time to put some things like this in VST plugins, but
> it's hard to justify the time when DAWs still make Ambisonics hard to work
> with... Anyone aware of any progress/potential partners there? I've not
> really looked for a while.

CoreAudio has the required flexibility in the plumbing. The fact that 
mainstream DAWs don't take advantage of it properly should not be a hindrance 
to doing a CoreAudio plug-in. I guess, it's one of these chicken-egg things, 
and there won't be any demand that forces commercial DAW software developers to 
make the required changes if the tools aren't there in the first place that 
people can point to saying that DAW X is incapable or running plug-in Y in the 
proper semantic context.

VST is in that sense almost hopeless, because it lacks any properly defined 
semantics, and it's all pretty much ad-hoc and at the whim of whatever 
Steinberg needs to be present in its own DAW software packages. CoreAudio is 
much more generalized and thought out, and much more independent of any 
particular DAW's requirements. Of course, in exchange, it's Mac OS X only.

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