>Hi Rick!
>2015-01-25 15:40 GMT+06:00 Griflet <grif...@libero.it>:
>Hi Alex!
>Thanks a lot for your replies. 
>I’m trying to follow your suggestion but I’m not understanding how can I link 
>to EXE file.
>If I simply explicit the full path to stellarium.exe in the 
>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (in CMakeLists  inside the src directory of my plugin) I 
>get another file not found error while compiling. The build tool search 
>obviously for a “.lib” file:
>But .lib is static library! It's weird. In any case we should investigate and 
>resolve issue for creating DLL+EXE for Win64
Ok Alex! 
I hope this issue can be fixed soon.
>With best regards, Alexander
Thanks a lot for your replies!

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