On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 8:01 PM Michael Proto <m...@jellydonut.org> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Running into an issue with a 14.1 server that I think is a bug, though
> it may be me not interpreting documentation correctly so I wanted to
> ask here.
> Using NFSv3, with FreeBSD 14.1 as the NFS server. Based on what I see
> in exports(5), if I want to export conditional mounts (IE filesystem
> paths that are intermittently mounted locally on server) I should use
> -alldirs and specify the mount-point as the export. Per the manpage,
> this export should only be accessible when the exported directory is
> actually the root of a mounted filesystem. Currently if mountd is
> HUPed while the export isn't a filesystem mount I get the warning
> about exporting the filesystem "below" the export (root-FS in this
> case) and I can actually mount the root-FS from the client, instead of
> getting an error as I would expect. Using the specific example for a
> sometimes-mounted /cdrom in exports(5) can demonstrate this behavior.
>   /etc/rc.conf :
> nfs_server_enable="YES"
> rpcbind_enable="YES"
> rpc_statd_enable="YES"
> rpc_lockd_enable="YES"
> mountd_enable="YES"
>   /etc/exports :
> /cdrom -alldirs,quiet,ro -network=
> (at this time /cdrom exists as a directory but is not currently a
> filesystem mount point)
> on the server:
> root@zfstest1:~ # killall -HUP mountd
>   /var/log/messages:
> Nov 20 22:34:56 zfstest1 mountd[27724]: Warning: exporting /cdrom
> exports entire / file system
I took a closer look and this is a bug. It appears that -alldirs is supposed
to fail when a non-mountpoint is exported.

It appears to have been introduced to the system long ago, although I
haven't yet tracked down the commit.

mountd.c assumes that nmount(8) will fail when the directory path
is not a mount point, however for MNT_UPDATE (which is what is
used to export file systems) this is not the case.

Please create a bugzilla bug report for this and I will work on a patch.

Btw, quiet is also broken in the sense that it will cause any nmount(8)
failure to fail. However, since nmount(8) does not fail for this case,
it hardly matters. I will come up with a patch for this too, since it is
easy to fix.

Thanks for reporting this, rick

> root@zfstest1:~ # showmount -e
> Exports list on localhost:
> /cdrom                   
> on a client, I can now mount "/" from my server zfstest1:
> root@client1:~ # mount -r -t nfs zfstest1:/ /mnt
> root@client1:~ # mount | tail -n1
> zfstest1:/ on /mnt (nfs, read-only)
> The root-FS of zfstest1 is indeed visible in /mnt on client1
> From what I see in /usr/src/usr.sbin/mountd/mountd.c this isn't
> supposed to happen (I'm no C programmer but this did read something
> like I should receive an export error from mountd when I send a HUP):
> ...
>                 } else if (!strcmp(cpopt, "alldirs")) {
>                         opt_flags |= OP_ALLDIRS;
> ...
>                                 if (opt_flags & OP_ALLDIRS) {
>                                         if (errno == EINVAL)
>                                                 syslog(LOG_ERR,
>                 "-alldirs requested but %s is not a filesystem mountpoint",
>                                                     dirp);
>                                         else
>                                                 syslog(LOG_ERR,
>                                                     "could not remount %s: 
> %m",
>                                                     dirp);
>                                         ret = 1;
>                                         goto error_exit;
>                                 }
> I suspect this code path isn't being hit since I'm getting the mountd
> warning I referenced above instead of this error. This appears to be a
> possible recurrence of a very old bug that depicts similar behavior :
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=170413
> While it appears the "-sec" issue referenced in that bug is fixed in
> the listed PRs I didn't see anything on this -alldirs issue that's
> also mentioned there, maybe that's why I'm running into this now?
> I'd be totally unsurprised if my /etc/exports file isn't configured
> correctly, but I reduced my setup to just the example in the exports
> man page and I'm struggling to determine how to interpret that
> information differently. I also tried an export of /cdrom with only
> "-alldirs" as an option and I get the same behavior. Ideas?
> Thanks,
> Michael Proto

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