
Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in

I got back

  <m...@osfux.nl>: host vm1982.osfux.nl[] said: 554 5.7.1 Service
      unavailable; Client host [] blocked using sbl.spamhaus.org;
      Error: open resolver; https://check.spamhaus.org/returnc/pub/
      (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Which somehow got me going .. and *they* say in turn

  Your email has bounced back from the recipient
  Public resolver

  If you are viewing this page, you have likely sent an email that was not 
delivered to the recipient. In the resulting bounced email message you have 
found and clicked this link: https://check.spamhaus.org/returnc/pub/

  The problem doesn’t relate to your email set-up.


  Why has my email not been delivered?

      The problem is with the recipient’s email server configuration.
      This is not due to an issue with your email set-up.
      It is not because you are listed on one of our blocklists. 

^That is what i wanted to know, thank you.

  What do I need to do next?

  If the email is urgent or essential:

      Call the recipient and tell them that they have an issue with receiving 
      Ask the recipient to urgently contact their email server administrator. 
This page provides the information required to correct this issue: Using our 
public mirrors? Check your return codes now.

  For non-urgent emails

      Try and resend the email in 24 hours, allowing the recipient’s email 
administrators time to resolve the problem. 

  Want more technical details?

  We’ve provided the above information for the everyday email user; however, if 
you’re technically minded and want to learn more, keep reading… Queries cannot 
successfully be made to the Spamhaus free infrastructure via public/open 
resolvers. This is to protect the infrastructure from abuse by large-volume 
queriers. If you’d like to take a deeper dive into this, check out successfully 
accessing Spamhaus’ free blocklists using a public DNS. Some users continue to 
query Spamhaus blocklists via public resolvers, unaware that this means that 
our data does not actually protect their mail stream. We have introduced an 
error code for these users to provide a clear signal that there is an issue, 
and that the mailserver configuration needs to be updated.
  A free upgrade: Spamhaus DQS

  To succesfully query Spamhaus via public/open resolvers, there is a FREE 
service which delivers the intelligence faster and with additional blocklists 
available to increase catch-rates: Spamhaus Data Query Service. Here are the 
details of how to make the change:

      Sign up for the free Spamhaus Data Query Service. The same usage terms 
      Make the relevant change to your server configuration. The Spamhaus 
Technical Documentation site has full configuration details for many mail 
servers and anti spam solutions. 

  Alternatively, if you’d like to continue using the free public 
infrastructure, please ensure that your queries come from a dedicated IP with 
attributable reverse and forward DNS. Here is information on how to correctly 
configure commonly used MTAs for use with the public mirrors.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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