Jamie Landeg-Jones wrote:
> Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> > This is how mount update works.  How otherwise would you remove noatime
> > from the options?  It seems to be true for other 'flag' options as well.
> mount -u -o atime works.
> Thanks for the clarification. It seems counterintuitive to me though.

TIL that I should always use either current or fstab.

    mount -u -o current /


    mount -u -o fstab /

And then make modifications from those references.

    mount -u -o current,noatime /


    mount -u -o fstab,noatime /

> As it stands, how do we preserve atime status without scripting
> around it? Maybe at least the manual page should make this clearer?

I want to think that using -o current and then making modifications to
current seems to be one possible way.  But the man page also says,
"When this option [snapshot] is used, all other options are ignored."
So this shouldn't work.

    mount -u -o current,snapshot ...

I don't have a system to test this type of snapshot upon.


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