Folks, thank You all for the feedback. As it seems. I'm not the only one concerned.
On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 11:58:16AM -0700, Colin Percival wrote: > While I see your point, we're hoping that having roughly 2x as many minor > releases will result in at least a 2x reduction in the number of surprises > per minor release -- because not only is less code changing between minor > releases, but also committers feeling less pressure to hit a deadline may > result in code being better tested and less surprise-prone when it lands > in a minor release. That sounds nice, I just do not believe it: the surprizes which I happen to encounter, do not appear as having been created in a hurry of pressing release date. Also, the Agile/Devops/etc theorists teach to release often and with small increments. So what will most likely happen is just smaller increments, again in a hurry, to meet the release date. > Extending the minor-release support period might be possible, but that > would depend on portmgr and secteam and I can't speak for them. One issue > which would certainly come up is kernel module packages -- our packages > are built for each stable branch on the oldest currently supported release, > which means that e.g. new features in 14.1 can't be used until 14.0 is EoL; > this is a problem particularly for graphics drivers. It concerns secteam, certainly. Maybe you can speak /to/ them... ;) The ports issue seems rather a technical shortcoming insofar as kernel modules may need recompile for minor releases, while the pkg infrastructure has no notion of a minor release. This is a pain-point already: I remember frequent discussions in the forums whenever a new minor release appears and something with the graphics driver doesn't work as expected (I don't know the details, as I for my part do deploy from source.) An improvement with this might be desireable anyway and independent from the release schedule. regards, PMc