On 6/14/24 22:18, Gordon Bergling wrote:

I just upgraded a 13.3-RELEASE system to 14.1-RELEASE, which has
two ZFS pools, z for ZFS-on-root and storage for asorted stuff. While
a 'pkg upgrade' fails, I discovered something strange with the free
disk space.


In general I don't have any clue where the 16.5G are allocated.

Any hints how to get the space back? I have deleted all snapshots, but the 
available space
is still 0B.

I ran into this after upgrading a small vultr vm; I couldn't install one last large package because there wasn't enough free space. In my case it was due to a bunch of old boot environment snapshots. I don't know what happens if you delete the related snapshots without using "bectl" but it still might be worth looking at BECTL(8)


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