On 03/12/2023 12:00, mike tancsa wrote:

Personally, I would not like the gmirror part as that adds a bit of complexity I dont want. But it certainly would be nice for some users. For now, I would vote against mounting the efi partition(s) by default as that breaks device redundancy and would like to see at least a warning from the installer that the efi parts are not yet setup on the other disks.

Just my take on it...
Installer should install EFI on all disks in the pool for redundancy and it would be nice to put entries in the fstab with noouto, a separate mountpoint in /mnt/ (or somewhere else?) would be nice for easier updates. And there should be some simple script to update EFI after a system upgrade on all EFI partitions defined in /etc/fstab. No magic guesswork, just use information stored by installer.

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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